Want to find: a new job

Well, I just graduated in May from Canisius with a degree in Psychology and Business Management, and I’m having a bit of trouble finding a job in my field.

I’m going back to school in the Fall to start a joint MBA/MSW program, which means I can only work evenings and weekends starting in the end of August.

I’m looking for something more in the Counseling and Human Services fields, but would also be interested in Retail Management or Human Resources.

I have a great deal of volunteer experience (I brought a Charity walk to Buffalo last year that had never been here before, and raised over $14,000), but my work experience is somewhat lacking.

Any ideas? And no, I’m not selling myself on the street corner :slight_smile:

Any help would be great!

Thanks, Erica

my spare bedroom is not the streetcorner so i will give you 100 per week and free living space.

hopefully this will meet your parameters.

yes, check the job finder in todays paper, lots of listings

uh…leave buffalo. worst job market ever

I may have some networking connections PM me. Might take me a day or two as I’m completing finals this week.

honestly, i could just rip this comment apart. it is an uninformed generalization that people love making around here.

erica, send me your resume - srusso@s1search.com. i am a senior recruiter by trade, and i work with a wide variety of companies in the area.

i make money because our job market is strong. if it wasn’t, then chumps like me would be on the street :wink:

Hmmm. When I finish school maybe I’ll shoot ya a PM :smiley:

thats what im here for!