Any Current UB students want to make 20 bux?

can anyone who is still a current UB student send some hipster babes my way

You can download it through UBIT - University at Buffalo, if someone gives you their info.

I haven’t used my UB email addy in years. I wonder if it’s still around.

They usually stop it <6months after you are no longer a student.

Yeah each email address requires a seat which vary in cost depending on what type of account it is. Even @ $2 that’s ~$60,000 for just the students at UB.

yep, they deactivate it after 90 days if I remember correctly. I don’t even think the alumni association emails are .edu.

This is why I love working at a university :slight_smile:

I’d like another key for Win7 64 Professional if anyone had it kicking around… I used too many installations on mine.