Any Get to Gethers??

jus wonderin if its too late if there are any gtg…

I’m new so im not sure where everyone hangs out, i kno they use to meet up at kohl’s parking lot

are you puerto rican and from amsterdam? if you are. no, we dont meet up. if you arent keep shopping, youll see something on here.

lol, no im not puerto rican, n im deffinitly not from amsterico.

jus checkin to see where the spots are, new to forum as you can see

browse around, right now the only thing people really do pretty consistanly is wednesday night test n tune at LVD. random gatherings occur if its nice, not really many SET GTG’s on a weekly basis or so.

Yea we havent had any bbqs this year

yeah this summer has been spectacular. 08 was a good summer man

Its time for a bbq. Who is gonna plan one?

i dont have a yard, and i usually have to work on nice days it seems, count me out

Fine Ill host one

doesnt change the fact your rude…

Pete you are not allowed seeing as how you steal food

for pete its BYOF. :lol

thats b/s sparky

Pipe down pete or I will have hatefield man handle you


Pete’s rude

You wait

i’m the least bit rude

Pete you are not invited

where abouts is LVD?