Looking for current and hot looking wheels for a white on white M6 vert. Seems like the bimmer selection is somewhat dated or all so similar. I personally think white wheels/partial white might look good. Anyone have thoughts or input?
Vmr csl reps
Thanks… too standard looking for BMW’s…, but keep thoughts coming please guys…
Go for a ride through downtown Schenectady for some ideas.
I don’t really have any recommendations. I think the factory M6 wheels (split five-spoke) look awesome on those cars.
Hate to suggest it… but ADV. 1 wheels by a longshot
That’s all I would reccomend too. Anything different and your black.
The big bimmers are tough when it comes to wheels. Stock looks best imo.
you cant go wrong with hre m40
You’d have to put 20s on it. There is not a 20" wheel in existence that I like.
Ruff Racing!
SW’s garage above ftw
anything 5 star would look good…
^I like those!/that combo.
LANCE what are the wheels on the first one you posted?!!?!!?!!