Any known problems with an 03 evo???

Be careful his “kind” don’t take well to that


This is what im talking about…

keep saying your “kind” …you might have your knowledge in cars…but ill tell you are CLUELESS on this one so someday ill fill you in…:excited



Barton FTW


I hope your mom is going to protect you Pete when you call Alex a bitch to his face! I don’t think Russians like it when you call them a bitch.

I don’t think anyone likes it when you call them a bitch to there face. Id FSU

I doubt it has anything to do with being Russian. Vlad gets called a bitch on an hourly basis and he hasn’t cared too much.

The only people who’ll get all hot headed are the ones who are lacking in certain areas in their life, thus they feel like they have something to prove.

Word ^^^

In Soviet Russia, bitch call you.


nothing wrong with that

you don’t know me, have ever talked to me, are my friend, so don’t call me by my first name gramps… call me by my username

by your kind i’m sure you mean somebody who has served the country… yes i appreciate that but it doesn’t make a difference how I FEEL i should talk to you

it doesn’t make a difference in where ur from…but in this situation people from my part of the country dont take that very well…

Why doesnt every one just quit with the personal insults then

I think thats a bright idea…before it gets ugly…

maybe that’d be a good idea for you aswell, more fuel you add, hotter the fire will burn;)

Pete is going to get shot one day.

Anybody dare guess what look he will have on his face when someone pulls a gun on him for being a passive aggressive instigator?