Any known problems with an 03 evo???

That will be surprised Peter

You want me to call you by your username Pete, then call me by my user name…I think your real name versus “gramps” isn’t too bad. Besides, you have no idea how old I am.

Here is Pete with the fine type of ladies he scoops up in the VDUB

yea your like 3x, gramps

^^wtf is going on there

edit: pic stallmer posted

Yeah…I’m about 63 you idiot…I am looking forward to you calling Alex a bitch to his face. Let me know when you are going to be doing that, because I definitely want to be there!

Next time i see anyone in this thread, im calling them a bitch.


i think you should take psi2high’s advice???

should what? complete the sentence…

you do the same.

This thread is BITCH!

Why must Pete continue to antagonize people as soon as stuff slows down. Pete you realize you will run into some body one day who wont be willing to deal with your kiddy bullshit

hardly, he added a witty comment so i replied with one back

psi2high you are a smart guy!!!

No I know its all fun and games busting on people about their cars but when you make personal insults like calling some one a bitch or a stumpy its no longer in good humor its just being condescending and rude

I don’t get it. I literally have no problems with anyone. Whats da big deal guyz? Take a chill pill.

im glad someone knows what im talking about …u came in right when it was about to get ugly…

The jokes on wheels are fine cause not every one has the same taste but calling some one out as being a bitch because they paid to have their car built or because they let some one else drive it is beyond me. Ive ran Nicks s4 at lvd before as well as richies trans am and a couple other peoples cars just for shits and giggles. Plus ritchit knew I could pilot the car better then him

^^^^ +rep to you

the reasons above were not why i have called him a bitch… nor do i remember, nor do i care anymore