any local meets around schenectady../EVO buddieszzz ITT

Shut the fuck up.

You really are a brainless turd.

You have had 2 threads deleted in the past week (that I know of) …take a hint flat brim ass clown. The content of your post(s) is inappropriate IMO.

go fuck your self kid. your probably one of those guys that just that goes to a place like the Nisky lot just to bullshit for half the night. don’t know bout you but i didn’t spend thousands on aftermarket parts for my car just to lean on the fender and talk about how fast it is.

What’s wrong with just going to a car meet and bullshitting? Not everyone wants to race their cute starter Honda around.

:rofl :rofl

say what you want about my car. i built it for a purpose and that’s not parking it in a lot

my cute starter will be runin tens next spring after complete gut and rebuild

LOL. I love when people talk big before they actually make a move. Not that tens is really all that big anymore, but still. If you’re going to run tens in the spring then do it, don’t strut around acting like you’re proving something. :skid:skid:skid

+Rep when I can, just for the flat brim ass clown reference lol

how much time you spend finding those images??? git a life

Good one

i baught the car 2 weeks ago its not my daily driver and ive got plenty of money to burn on it. springs comin

Springs or Spring is coming?

lol my bad

wtf is baught? do you even know english?

Sry for spelling a word incorrectly. didn’t know Mr perfect was in the room

it just shows your lack of mental capability. its ok if youre retarded.

So you are building…or you already built it?

Are you bench racing a pile of dump on shift518?

If it will run 10’s next summer (I’ve never heard that before) what does it run now?

You have a build thread somewhere?