Any pilots on here

my father picked it up in vietnam, and done it ever since, he used to run a hanger in rochester, now just does a few small private jets to keep busy.

no EAA here, that is just stick time, i thik i have well over 2000+ hours in the air… every month about 36 hours. i am a flight engineer for the nav.

fast, what airframe did you fly on?

just to put it out there: i’m up for joyrides :smiley:

MH53 and P3 currently

Deuce, if you have any questions about licenses, colleges any other aviation stuff just pm me, ive gone threw alot of research and know many people in the business.

my stepdad has his licsence and goes flyin out of akron at least 2x a month, he is building a RV-4 experimental acrobatics airplane IN MY BASEMENT

yes, he really is building a 2-seater airplane in my basement.

he goes to oshkosh every year with my mom

thanks i will PM you when i have a chance i appreciate it :tup:

that’s awesome :tup:

i ahve a buddy building an rv-8, ive flown a rv-4, all i can say is FUKIN AWSOME, you better be nice to that man, cause that toy is more fun than any car.

i have flown ultralights fixed wing (not and let me empohasize not powered parachutes). i just sold mine back in october, now looking for another one.


joe r. isnt on here, i know hes a pilot

I’m good friends with rizzo, he has a new pimp Stinson going together (with the aid of me ) that will be out for oshkosh, its REALLY nice.

does anyone know about the pilot program at JCC or any other local commercial pilot programs??

i have completed 120 hours of flying school.

i think you need aloooooooooooooot more to get a comercial pilot license

what school/airfield are you taking lessons at? are you getting a college degree too?

Flytech Aviation Academy, 102, A1-Kausar Road No. 10, West Marredpally, Secunderabad 500026, Andhra Pradesh, India

this is what i completed. I think the the one i plan to gt next is the CPL , but i have to complete 200 instructed hours, and trying to do that is going to take a while.

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3]PRIVATE PILOT LICENSE (PPL)
Course Includes
• 20 hours dual instruction in Cessna 152
• 40 hours solo flight time in Cessna 152
• 35 hours ground school
• 15 hours pre and post flight briefing books and training materials
• 1.5 hours in Cessna 152 for flight test
• Written and flight examination fees

          The Private Pilot training course is offered to the person who wants                to become a licensed pilot in preparation for an advanced training                programme, for business transportation, or simply to enjoy the freedom                and pleasure of flying. FAA (Flytech Aviation Academy) offers comprehensive                and individualized training to equip you with the skills you will                need to enjoy the privileges of your Private Pilot’s license.
          • At least 16 years old for enrollment and 17 years old for                graduation.
          • Physical fitness certificate from an approved medical practitioner                by DGCA. ( CLASS-II )
          Completion of the program, Licenses a person to act as pilot in                command of aircraft carrying passengers or property but not for                compensation or hire.[/size]

         <b>Completion                Time</b>
          Six months
          <b>[size=3]Ground Subjects</b>
          Students will be given training for DGCA examinations in the following
          • Air Regulations: Including flight rules, air traffic control                practices, procedures and regulations concerning operation of aircraft.
          • Air Navigation : Including elementary principles, use of                aeronautical maps and charts, time, magnetism, magnetic compasses,                simple navigation and simple flight –planning.
          • Aviation Meteorology : Elementary aviation meteorology including                significance of aerodrome warnings, elementary knowledge in reading                of met charts, met procedures, relating to cross country flights                and salient features of Indian Climatology.
          • Technical aspects of aerodynamics and theory of flights,                aircraft, engine, instruments, operating limitations, handling,                care and pre-flight inspection.
          • Radio Telephony ( F.R.T.O.L) : Including transmission and                interpretation of aural signals and operations of radio telephony                apparatus on board the

minimums for a commercial license are 250, if ggoing part 61, they are slightly less if going part 141. I am going to Embry riddle because they gave me an ass load of credit from the military and my A&P license, other than that i would NOT recomend an aviation program. Get your degree in whatever, do your flight training at a local FBO and build hours. Its cheaper to buy a cessna 150 and build at 30 an hour vs renting at 100 an hour to get your hours, any one in the buffalo area interested in flying or school options can pm me and i’ll help ya out.
As a side note, i got my PPL in 30 days, a six month course is just milking you for money the way i see it. on average during summer months 3 months is more than enough for the average student

I can only wish, no where near the fundage I’d need. huge aviation enthusiast though. :tup: