Any "quick fixes" for a slipping supercharger belt?

took us from like 4PM-9PM on friday to yank the motor (we had to drop it, didn’t have an engine hoist), and probably another 6 hours or so between saturday and sunday to time it, install the pulleys and the new (but 5+ years old :facepalm) s/c belt, and put it all back together. a good 2 hours of that was spent rebuilding the axles that fell apart.

the only issues are the belt (which was fully tightened, so no one’s fault really besides mine for deciding to put it in) and a slight exhaust leak caused by me breaking a stud on the header :facepalm

it was pretty much just myself, joey jiggs and dkid, with joe being the only one with motor-pulling experience and none of us had any experience working on MR2’s besides minor stuff on my friend’s. joe the the vast majority of the work, dkid certainly helped a lot and i was kind of along for the ride, doing the easy stuff (exhaust, etc.). was pretty much a learning experience for me.