Any reccomended places to get an old radiator re-cored?

I have a 1960 Tbird, and I need the rad re-cored… any recommended shops in the buffalo area?

Hammond radiator on grant street… ask for Pete jr. …tell him Derrick from rainbow sent ya

doesnt abbot radiator still do this also

Lots of good places in buffalo to do this work, Moxies in W. Seneca comes to mind also

moxies did an excellent job on my 3 core.

Autoparts International. Gus sent ya

Moxies hands down. I drive out from Rochester just for Moxies. They do good honest work for a fair price.

Dave at amherst radiator did mine. very reasonable and excellent work. they are on NF Blvd across from home depot (amherst/tonawanda)

Do you work there?

Hands down winner. Those guys are great. Isn’t Jr the one with all the impala hoppers?

Yes, I blasted a bunch of parts for one. Real nice guy too.


He’s the fucking jam:

He built this in about 3 weeks from scratch for 200 bucks.