Would like to ask for a favor so I can get this book cheaper. Please reply or PM me if anyone is willing to get it for me and I will pay that person back. Thanks ahead! ;D
Would like to ask for a favor so I can get this book cheaper. Please reply or PM me if anyone is willing to get it for me and I will pay that person back. Thanks ahead! ;D
Somewhere I have that book, how long do you need it? I’ll dig around and see if I can find it here in the myriad of literature I have if you want to borrow it for a little while. It’s alot of theories and chassis dynamics. Something in particular you need or just looking to read up on?
Oh, then you may be able to answer what I am wondering.
I was introduced to that book by a member from another forum, we were discussing some suspension theories in RCVD and he told me that the “Hands-on” book is also a great reference but from a more practical approach vs RCVD’s heavy on math and theory approach. What do you think? Would that be a good complement to the RCVD as a reference?
Adam any chance you have How to Tune and Modify Engine Management System by Jeff Hartman?
I do. I have 98% of that Motorbooks collection. Have no idea where it is tho.
Was that towards me or him?
Find it, ill either buy it, or borrow it from you for a bit
Yes sir.
Thanks cupcake :hug
Yes I certainly do, sitting right here on my computer desk actually ;D same with Clark, I have pretty much that entire library.
Yes. It goes into better explanation depth onto why/how the dynamics work rather than just telling you how to figure it out. It also explains quite well the negative side of everything which is important. RCVD is straight to the point with logic, trying to get to the end result and make the best out of everything. It doesn’t always lend to be a good thing without knowing why, which is why I bought the book some four years ago. If you’re looking to add a book to your database for further use get it. Check Ebay and Amazon if you’re looking for a deal, I’m not an SAE member unfortunately.
Adam, seeing as Jesse will probably take 10 years to get or find me that book, any chance I could pick that up from you somtimes soon and borrow it for a bit?
Ah! Good. Thanks for your input. :nod
Certainly, just keep it in good order that’s all. If you want ti soon best to pick it up from me tomorrow night at my house in BSpa. I’ll be out of town for the weekend. I’ll send you directions in a PM.
Alright, got your PM… depending on road conditions i may shoot up to pick it up. If not ill wait. Ill call you or PM and let you know
I am a member of the SAE for future reference.
Oh? Welcome.
I would love to hear your introduction, somewhat curious, but impressed so far from just the few posts you have made.