i honestly dont know which league, a guy i know asked me to play so i said sign me up, since im a VETERAN
Skill level is mixed. It is the town of hamburg over 25 league or something. The cost is $40 for residents, and $50 for non-residents but you dont have to pay until july or august. Right now its free so there are some college kids, some 60 year old guys and some girls that are pretty decent. Its a good run for sure.
ever since college ive become such a dirty player, im ashamed but its fun
Are there any indoor leagues in Buffalo? I could find them pretty easily in Syracuse and Rochester, but not so much luck since I moved here. I have been wanting to get back into playing for a while now.
There are a ton at Sahlens in West Seneca / East Aurora. Come on Sundays because that is what opened up about 4 different leagues for me. Plus it helped me loose about 35 pounds.
I miss playing at Cheektowaga Town Park when I was younger. Less competitive and lots of fun…those were the days.
joehip - also Sportsplex in north tonawanda has indoor leagues, their new indoor field is real nice
Thanks guys. Ill have to look into it a bit more. I guess its easier to find out about this stuff when you actually hang out with people who are playing… None of my friends here like to break a sweat so my ass has become a bit out of shape, and I am looking to change that.
Is anyone in any of these leagues, have a team looking to pick up another player? PM me.
my outdoor roster is full…
im going on playing for my 24th year hollerrr
epic center has a few too, i play there in fall/winter. nice fields, but pretty small and expensive.
gotcha, let me know when you find out!
he is that an open invite, ive been looking for a while to find people to start playing with again