any suggestions

i have a 97 kia sephia,that i bought for 600 bucks… the check engine light has been on since i bought it last february,there is constant sputtering on accleration,but only when it has warmed up, it runs very smooth in these cold buffalo mornings,its also getting about 80 mpg less that what it should be getting, i have changed the plugs and wires as well as a universal O2 sensor after the converter, the car has 32k on it and im not sure what could be a problem, the free diagnostics from autozone tells me nothing,and im not sure i want to spend 80 bucks for a real diagnostics…any suggestions(besides selling it)

That’s quite an exaggeraton on the 80 mpg… no car gets over 40-45 (and for anyone that is going to critsize this, Hybrids don’t get what is advertised - read an article)

Man a new Kia member… and I just sold mine, had a 2003 Rio. Good luck with getting it fixed.:tup::tup:

edmunds says it should get 316-381 city/hgwy…it gets about 280 combined

I think he meant miles per tank, not MPG or miles per gallon. :wink:

lol, ah ok… i get it now :lol:

yea im retarded,i did mean miles per tank

you need to get your codes read… at autozone… for free…

a check engine light could be 23094572059740573457349 things…

edit: you said it tells you nothing? it says there are no codes to be read?

yea… try plugs and wires first, or sell it to me for 300bucks

Read above.

What about cats? I don’t know if an f’d up cat would throw a code but it could certainly mess you gas mileage up.

Wow, 97, 32k, 600 bucks and runs like shit. Those really are garbage cars…

Only runs well when cold huh… Wonder if it’s knocking for some reason. First find out why that CEL is on, then do a full tune up:

-air filter
-fuel filter
-oil & filter (look for milky shit in the oil after you drain it)
-does it have a distributor? if so then cap & rotor
-try a tank of high octane and see if it runs better

ok i just got done replaceing an OE 02 sensor, and that didnt work:meh: does anyone have a inspection sticker i can buy?

ando u mo fo i still have one u can have for 10 bucks … it has newer plugs, wires, and fuel filter we did them last winter i believe…quit being a lil bitch and come get ur sticker…