Any thoughts as to what this oil pump could be for? (FSM PIC)

wasn’t exactly sure where this should go…

it’s on the front of the transfer case… i’m still kicking around the idea of cutting that off… I don’t really care about the mass, but the space it occupies will make exhaust routing a bit trickier…

I doubt it is for the attessa actuator, because there is a pump for that on the pumpkin…

The only thing i can think of is to keep the oil level in the lower portion of the transfer case from getting too high…


whatever, its driven by the mainshaft…geroter stylez. Fuck this chain.

How much could you get for an RB26 trans? Maybe contemplate selling for an RB25 or call mickinney and see if they will trade?

i’m worried that the pump is fed from that strainer which is fed by splashlube from the chain!

rb26 trans is worth 200 bucks… if that. There’s a surplus of them…

rb25, if you can even find one in the states is 1400+

wow, that right there is not nice.

cut it off, see what happens, if something goes wrong another tranny will only cost u $200 and you have to do a bit of exhuast rerouting

edit: that t-case shouldnt be nohtin’ to you

so this transfer case has a oil pump on the mt model rather than the auto tranny pump circulating the fluid?

we’re not really sure wtf it does… we’re looking into it…

if you have a factory manual (which it appears you do) does it not show a fluid graph for the transmission? You know, as it would with an auto so you know exactly what the fluid is doing while it’s inside of said transfer case?

no. i’m just going to pull it apart and find out…
this has some pictures and watnot of it being done. also saying they just ripped and plugged things.

i’ve seen that, but they were also a bunch of hacks… the way the transmission is put together is not conducive to welding a plate on. I am going to machine the diff off and then bolt on a plate. If i weld it, i can never change any of the bearings on the inside… especially the output flange bearing

oh i agree 100% with that considering you have the means to do it very cleanly. but judging from the way they did it , it would lead one to believe that that pump/chain will not be necessary or a worry whatsoever.