No oil pressure, need help

Got no oil pressure in my JDM TYPE R B18c

Not many metal filings in the oil pan, but i get no oil pressure.

Is there a check valve on the oil pump?

already checked at the head and the oil psi sensor and theres none.

Help would be greatly appriciated

have you taken out the oil pressure sending unit and put in a mechanical guage to verify no oil pressure?

you probly have a bad oil pump and your metal shavings are your bearings from your crank destroying themselves so stop staurting the thing to check the oil pressure and pull the oil pan pull the pump and make sure the pump turns easily and smoothly and if it doesnt bad pump then next remove a main bearing cap and see how much damage youve caused the bearings and crank and most likely you will need to have the journals of the crank polished and new bearings along with other parts

informative post by the new guy… i agree 100%

Blown Riv!? Any pics?

Sell me the car


i used a mechanical guage and it was zero.

And i already pulled the pan and the main bearings are shot, along with the rod bearings, ill have pics up soon

I was just wondering if anyone ever had this problem and it wasnt the oil pump.

oil pump, clogged oil galleys/passages from sludge/infrequent oil changes. these would be the most common… but yeah… oil pump.

These bearings are SHOT

i dont have pics of the rod bearings right now but they were fucked…
some had lines and streaks, while others had chunks out.

And when i dropped the pan there wasnt really any chunks or build up of sludge anywhere, i changed the oil regularly and never found chunks… soo idk mostlikely oil pump i was at like 8500 RPM’S when it happend…

Amsterdam huh, I am in Ft Johnson. Welcome. +1 to you for nailing this one for the guy.

OP sorry to hear about the motor… but it is winter time, so build that shit up.

That shits toast

the only prob. i got is the place to do it. i figured my teacher would let me do it in school, but he said he will only allow me to put the oil pump in there…

so im lookin for a spot where i can pull the motor and rebuild.

And i can get a brand new crank polished and balanced for 200 with all new bearings
So im gonna do that and probably change the rings and oil pump.

There are enough good people here, maybe someone would give u a hand and a place to work.

If you can wait till spring, I will hopefully have my new garage up but i got nuthing right now. sorry.

Thanks, that would be amazing.
If i didnt find a place by then, then consider it done

those bearings look like the ones that kids fuck up in engines class. damn that sucks. good luck with the rebuild

the whole rotating assem needs to be balanced as one ya cant balance the crank without havin the pistons and rods weighed and so on ,if ya dont balance it that whole assembly will be wasted soon and the engine will hate u take your time do it right :thumbup

your kidding? at hvcc they won’t let you rebuild the motor? WTF!

lol im not in hvcc im in Questar.
Im a youngen haha:ahh


if u were at hvcc, you’d have no issues to get work done on it