Looks like something wasn’t done correctly. I would say it is time to pull that engine out and I will show you how to go through it correctly and put together a solid engine
holy shit! and i thought my crank and bearings were bad…eikes! Dos, to be honest, at this point id just get a new crank. you’re prob gonna have to have it machined down to the point where you’re gonna end up having to use oversized bearings, and i wouldnt recomend that.
You can’t use that crankshaft unless you want to replace bearings every weekend or so. Lets get a game plan together and I will help you execute it correctly
If this is the case when did the knock start occouring? Do all the bearings look like this…I imagine by now they do but…is any rod completely missing a bearing.
Curious if you were seeing knock and subsequently pounded a bearing out…If there was an assembly error it would have showed itself real quick… within 100 miles easy.
If you drove it like that you will need to machine the crank, and resize the rods…
DO NOT MACHINE THIS CRANK, or any import crank for that matter, most places cannot replace the fillets and will not case harden the crank afterword.
If you are gonna do another engine…buy a prebuilt short block and turn yours in for a core.