Any way to delete visitor messages?

As a fine SONling once said… everyone grab your Sparco office chairs with 7 point harness and your Snell helmets cuz this is going to be one hell of a winter.

Just to let SON know my position on asian females, I disagree with 240xcsv statement! Some do have very fine breast and buttocks to match; making me want to engage in acts that should only be done in private!

lol you hear that? silence. It’s night and all your long list of lies has been refuted word for word :slight_smile: Anything else you say will be out of emotional spite as ridicule and further proof as to what I said. You attack me first :slight_smile:

By the way I’m on vacation so I can do whatever the hell I want LOL… :slight_smile: Eh… although its 1:30 and I think I had enough fun for the night :smiley:

Don’t feel heart broken :slight_smile: I’m not a bad guy, just a very defensive and stand up guy. I don’t like to be messed with :wink: Be nice and I’ll be nice. Insult me and you’ll finish worse than you started :wink:

Don’t lie either as I hate liars. Plus lies just get you in shit, be man enough to acknowledge the fact that you deliberately started shit with me totally unprovoked. I did not throw the first stone or shoot the first bullet. I never do, I just fire back :wink:

^As stated in my above post. “Fail. You’re not looking in the right places then.” WHOMP WHOMP.

I’m not looking at all :slight_smile: I am married :wink:

This thread is full of so much awesome. I got excited and touched myself…

yes i attacked you. you are nazi germany and i am the rest of the world, its just a matter of time before you take one to the face.

be gone scum

I am not looking for asian women at this time, I am talking to a euro beauty!

Oh and next time I see you remind me to punch you for taking my words of “WHOMP WHOMP”. I do not know where I will punch so wear hockey equipment so you are well protected. I have given you advanced warning cause you are a good guy. :slight_smile:

Well you obviously have been looking if you know for a fact Asian women don’t have tits or an ass… I know so many examples that contradict your previous statement. And trust me where you were looking is in all the wrong places.

On a lighter note. This song reminds me of this thread and certain people.


Oh sorry Junior for stealing your saying :lol: I just had to. :wink: On a lighter note all this is ibtl and I am not serious about any of it.

Ah now you’ve utilized some fine intellect there :slight_smile: Good come backs, good come backs. However sadly in real life neither are true :slight_smile:

Which leads me back to the fine point that, unprovoked, you too attacked me, while I just defend myself :slight_smile:

Yes people hate me,

#1 without actually knowing me. Which is fantastic because that’s how you know people.

#2 People don’t like people who talk alot or know things, people don’t like to feel insecure. As such they view me speaking out openly as a complexity to themselves and need to insult or put me down to make themselves feel better. This is a real character weakness. Or likewise assuming that a person speaking or sharing alot is in fact trying to show off because in fact they are used to doing that so they assume another person would too.

Beyond that I have not done anything wrong except been as I am an out spoken and self-defensive person. I stand up for myself.

From all the 15 some years of being on internet forums, seriously, I’ve only had this much drama on politics forums or political debates/arguments/fights lol… (which is normal clashing views) and son240sx. No other car forum has had this much bullshit except maybe zilvia with the stretching tires mentality.

It’s more like you are USA and I am Iraq. Unprovoked, weakly armed, you invaded and occupied, pillaged, massacred, robbed, anhilated a whole country and proclaimed yourself ‘liberator’ and victorious.

Aka delusional

im insecure now because i call you out on all your bullshit? you spew all this moronic shit that makes no sense all over the internet and pass it off as the word of god. i am the least insecure person on earth. ask around.

You fail at trying to act smart. That why people hate you, cause you fail.

you wish. both you and iraq had that shit coming.

Okay cool. You are not in the punch book anymore!

So let make fun of the SON punching bag now! It keeps me young:)

TO MODS: I think I should get my free membership now! Like come on already lol!!!.. PRETTY PLEASE!!

Its a mentality, a state of mind, a way of life. amirite?

What bullshit? You were clearly refuted.

You are sounding VERY much like the US of A.

“They have weapons of mass destruction ready to strike at any second”

“They have special mobile biological and chemical vehicles all over iraq”

“They have nookular stockpiles and nookular nookular that IAEA won’t stoppp and we the USA must”

Aka you throw the first grenade, you accuse the victim, you create a plethora of lies, you get refuted, you still persist and insist so as to erase the evidence.

You attacked me first unprovoked, I defended myself.

Actually you fail. That’s the worst come back ever. Thanks for trying out.

Again what did I do to you? Sorry the list of random attacks is too long. I gotta keep track ya know. Did I harm your childhood in some way or form?

I hope this thread is never closed. Why have it spew out into multiple threads when you can have it contained all in one thread that never ends?

My first was an Asian lass, 36C, best ass to date on any girl I have been with. At 5"5. They exist for sure.

You fail. Pure and simple. I dunno if theres another way to describe you and what you do. Im gonna go sleep. Goodnight.