Any Word on Sport Compact Shootouts for 2008?

As the title states i’ve checked the PrP website and no word yet has anyone heard anything at all?


I’ve heard that PRP isn’t having any import nights this year. Might just be rumor, though.

i sure hope not that’s pretty lame

well hopefully its just a rumor

yEA hopefully it’s a rumor. I’ve always had a good time at the sport compact night spectating

from what i was told they are not doing import nights because they say half the people that show cant race, and they spend more time telling people to wash the mud off, also they say that attendance is poor

I am sure they are having test n tune nights. If they don’t have an “import night”, then we just have to create our own and use Pittspeed to spread the word to have imports show up…

Define “can’t race”, please?

Norwalk has one in May hosted by Buschur, it’s always a good turnout.

I have always seen a good turnout

the way it was explained to me, and this is second hand info so take it with a grain of salt, i do not know the people that own the track but apparently the person that told me this does, "all these ricers come up here and they dont know how to stage, they break shit and spill oil all over the track because they dont pull over, they show up with snow tires and mud all over the place,etc etc, and i asked about the attendence thing and i guess a few of the import nights only had like 30 cars, and not many spectators…

The only car that breaks on import night is mine and the orange conquest. and we dont drop oil. haha

O-well Lets just flood the reg racing days.

and whats this shit about the mud? who the hell drives in the mud? I never seen anything like that before. this is just BS

Regular racers still never pull over…and they talk about stones all the time but because the cars that are bringing all the stones to the starting line pay for there pitt spots i guess they dont really inforce it.that shit is dangerous…iv seen 2 people go 2 the hospital because a dragster did a burnout over a stone and it hit a spectator 100+ feet back.My brother has been hit,i almost got hit,1 came at my car but because my hood was up it hit the hood instead of my windshield it gets rediculous sometimes…

Fair enough, thanks for qualifying the statement.

I am guilty, the first time I went & bracket raced I didn’t know exactly what to do exactly…but that doesn’t mean they can’t learn.

It really cant be worse then test and tune.

But thanks for messing up import night. haha:beer:

I would disagree with the breaking. The mod class and pro classes are always breaking things on the track, wasting an hour to clean up. I rarely see street or trophy class cars break anything on the track.

Sure, they may not know how to stage, but heck, one or two practice runs and they figure it out.

When it comes to test n tune nights, all six lanes and then some are overflowing…and a lot of those cars are imports (sprinkled with fox bodies)…

i personally think its all crap other than the spectator attendance, i think that they just dont like import cars and never have… Part of that i think is that most of the people that race sport compacts are young, the cant race thing is crazy how in the hell do they think they will keep business going for the long run if they dont let the young crowd try to race with thier sport compact…

well how about this… people that want import night that are going to wow this weekend bring it up to the PRP people. make a case, and try to make a change.

I was at the last t&t in October and a 1" round stone came this >< close to nailing me in the back of my head. It was when the outlaw cars were running. I was about 8 cars back in the staging lanes talking to a guy with a WRX and all of the sudden, BAM!!! It sounded like someone hit something metal with a hammer really hard. We looked at each other and were like wtf? One of other people standing around found the stone. We looked at the hood of the WRX where it hit and it had cut right through the liner and hit the metal leaving a ding. My head was literally inches away from the gash it left. Pretty scary stuff!

I would encourage everyone to do this.

Sounds like a good idea.