Any1 go to North Allegheny HS? (Another teacher railing)

If so is this chick hot…in my mind she is bangin…post pics of you have any.

North Allegheny teacher suspected of student tryst
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

By Milan Simonich, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Administrators in the North Allegheny School District have suspended a female teacher who is suspected of carrying on a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old male student.

School Superintendent Patricia Green did not respond to requests for comment yesterday, but others in responsible positions identified the teacher as Julie Stimmel.

Mrs. Stimmel, 28, was escorted from the campus last week after being relieved of her duties. She was a member of the English department at North Allegheny High School. She could not be reached for comment.

She is suspected of being involved sexually with a high school senior. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette does not identify victims or accusers in alleged sex crimes.

Because Mrs. Stimmel was in a position of authority at the high school, she could face criminal charges if she had an affair with the student. Her teaching certificate also could be in jeopardy.

The boy’s father said the family did not intend to seek criminal charges against Mrs. Stimmel. He referred other questions to a lawyer retained by the family. The lawyer would not comment.

Even without the boy’s cooperation, the school district and prosecutors could pursue a criminal case.

Gary Anderson, police chief of McCandless, where the school district is centered, would not comment on whether his department was involved in an investigation of a North Allegheny teacher.

No charges in the case had been filed with the district judge whose jurisdiction includes the school district.

Last week, North Allegheny spokeswoman Joy Ed declined to comment on the nature of any allegations or who was involved. She would say only that “we are currently looking into a matter. We have some allegations.”

Neither Ms. Ed nor Dr. Green responded to questions yesterday regarding Mrs. Stimmel.

Mrs. Stimmel began her career at North Allegheny under her maiden name of Julie Lawrence. Allegheny County records show that she married Richard W. Stimmel, 39, last year.

Mrs. Stimmel received a bachelor’s degree from Slippery Rock University in December 2001. The registrar said she majored in teaching English in secondary schools.

Employees of the state Department of Education did not respond to questions about her employment history or whether they were aware of any disciplinary action taken against Mrs. Stimmel by North Allegheny.

Got it bad, got it bad, got it bad. I’m hot for teacher!

Langley didn’t have any teachers that were worth something like that.

Slippery Rock 2001? Maybe she’s on Facebook or Myspace?

300 pound fat chick?

:owned: ?

Here is some food for thought.

Subject : Male Vs. Female Teacher Railings

Odds are if a Male rails a female teacher, then the chance the teacher is hot is greater. This is b/c men just want sex b/c they “want it”. Now on the other hand a female railing a male teacher, then the odds of the teacher being a weird creepy lookin motherfucker is greater. This is b/c the females will have sex in order to get something else. For example passing grade, money, ect. And the male teacher is just some horny old creepball. Not saying all females are like this…but I just felt like speaking on some shit.


no pic no care

I know I tried…but no pic…I am sure one will surface…the article says she graduated from there (NA) in 1996…so I figured someone had to go to school w/her

damn i graduated in 1998

the kid who had the affair was a friend of my bosses son. rumor has it she was pretty decent looking


buncha yuppies

that chick has a 11 year bufferzone, fuckin a 17 year old, married to a 39 year old.


im in the zone!!!

no pic no care.

I’ve got a brother who graduated with her… NA in 96, (I passed through in 93) I’ll have to see if he remembers her or has an old yearbook…

