Anybody been to ECC Traffic School?

Has anybody been to ECC Traffic School?

I got caught speeding in tonawanda. I went to court and accepted the “deal” and I need to attend traffic school.

I want to know what lovely curriculum they have planned for me. What could they possibily tell me in 4 hours that I dont already know.

i been there prolly 11 times. nothing new. i usally sleep. or become a smartass when the teacher calls on me thinking i wont know the answer. then he will say would you like to teach the class? And i say. SURE WHY NOT :LOL:

The videos are so worth it. Rue Mcclanahan was worth seeing.

On a positive side note, the student paralegals at the tonawanda court are f-in HAWT!

^Did you get that sassy brunette?

Yeah, class is boring. The only thing I learned is that I can have 3.7 drinks and still be below the legal limit according to their body weight chart. I thought it was less than that. So thanks for teaching me to push the drunk driving limits Tonawanda! :tup:

So if i’m 6’3, 290lbs, I’d imagine I can drink a whole lot and be ok lol…

Haha according to the driver safety class I can have almost 4 drinks in my system and drive safely because I weigh in at a buck eighty soaking wet so… you do the math. What a money making farce…

I would like to get into that sassy brunette…

You basically learn how much you can legally drink and how not to drive like a dick. Gets pretty boring the 5th time around.

You sleep for about an hour woth of videos an then discuss what a bad boy you are then you proceed to get another nap break, followed by the Gettin drunk an driving portion, Bring a pillow or somethin to lay an drool on

I learned what others have learned and that is I can drink more and still be legal, It’s just like all other traffic school… pretty much a waste of everyones time. But I’m sure the town gets a kickback from ECC because that is the ONLY repeat ONLY place that tonawanda will allow you to go.

I learned from a girl in the class who had never been convicted of a tint ticket that when the officer pulls you over and tells you that your tint is illegal you respond with “yeah, I know.” Since you admit to it he doesn’t measure and writes the ticket up. You then go to court and say “What? It’s not illegal. He never measured. There’s no proof. :gotme:” Dismissed.

The one that directs traffic down the hallway, calling names off her clipboard?
