Anybody else read this before?

For injectors, I read of a thread on probetalk about people having the stock KL fuel rails bored to fit nissan sidefeed injectors. Since the KL has no fuel options besides the millenia S (280cc vs. 220cc stock) this seemed to be a very good option. There were a few options for the sizing: 260cc redtops, 370cc SR20 purple tops, 300zx twin turbo 370cc, and 180cc pink tops. Of course there are also the aftermarket sizes available in 550cc and up. That’s just a few of them, there are more but these are the most common. To make matters even better, the pintle caps on any of the injectors can be cut off to make them double their flow, for free. This was another topic discussed on probetalk, as well as on nissan subforums. The idea comes from the WRX guys, who can do the same to their stock injectors making them flow 770cc for free.

So, with a set of bored rails, and 6 redtops, I went to town with a dremel. With this simple mod, they are converted to 550cc on stock fuel pressure and have a nice cone fuel spray pattern(this has been flow tested and proven, though not by me personally)The idea behind it is that rather than redesigning injectors for different flow rates, nissan simply changed the pintle caps to flow less or more fuel depending on the application. Take off the cap, and the injectors flow roughly double.

Holy moly. This is useful information.

i have 4 stock 370’s that i’m going to try that with. do you have pics of the now shaved pintles?

i’m assuming it’s just that plastic piece. when i was at another guys house looking for 550cc rx-7 injectors, he just pulled the pintles right off. i might try that with the nissan ones.

never herd of this. What about that bad things. Are they consistant. You have that test results from that webpage? I want to see this proven result. Copol though if it works properly.

yea, it isn’t the first time i’ve heard this. i think some people use a tiny drill bit and enlarge the pintle hole by a tiny amount.

i’d like to do it, then send them for cleaning and flowbench, but i don’t have the means right now. there was someone who modded his locally, but never posted any of his findings.

I highly doubt the spray pattern will be normalized with this.

And that all of the injectors will flow the same.

Worst case senario you will be spraying in a jet with different amounts down each cylinder.

Flow pattern on injectors (atomization rate) is probably just or more as important as the flow.

i heard of this being done plenty of times on other nissan/honda/fc boards
and 1mns13 is right the caps is what sets the flow by grinding down the "restrictor cap " u inlarging the flow area"opening, and it works well. spray pattern etc stays the same but of course you do this with a spare set and you take it in after to have them flow tested/cleaned. Injector isn’t a complicated part

why am i even talking here