Anybody else see the U.S. credit rating drop?

You insinuated such in post #41 that someone who inherited money doesn’t deserve it because he has employees.

You can’t be serious? Maybe in russia you leave, guess you couldn’t handle your commie comrades where you came from. I don’t think you understand the principles on which this country was built. When you don’t like what your government is doing you don’t just leave. This is OUR country, not the governments. You vote in new representation, but unfortunately it doesn’t matter which party you bring in here they are both ineffective these days.

1 man one vote. quit voting in scumbags. I know at least one presidential candidate that wasn’t spoonfed cash and wanted actual reform.

Do you not understand how social security works? The more you contribute the more you get, so why would someone who is rich have to put in more money, they will only get less back for themselves, who are they hurting? its their own money.

Why do you blame the rich people, they are using the laws written by our lawmakers, if you don’t like it you are free to leave…