anybody have a hookup for chain link fence?

I’m in rochester, but while I’m getting quotes if anybody on here does fences (or has family / friends who do) and wants to make some money let me know.

My brother and I have a company, Rochacha is a bit of a hike but let me know what your looking for and maybe we can work something out. Thanks for the heads up though :tup:

My uncle has a small ‘development’ company out of Webster. I just texted him and he is interested. Feel free to text or call the # on the site or email him with info.

thanks guys… I have two larger companies and a dude who does contracting by himself coming to take a look. I’ll let those guys do their quotes and then grab the details to see if these dudes think they can beat it.

how’d it go?

I found a local guy who used to work for one of the big guys that will do it cheap… I just picked up supplies yesterday and I’m just waiting on the town for the permit to get started.