Anyone have a Fencing Materials Hookup?

So… In getting everything planned out for fencing my yard in my materials list has gotten quite expensive.

Anyone have any hookups for Fencing Materials? I’m doing both wood (or vinyl if I can get it cheap enough) and chain-link for my yard.

Right now; I’m at about $4K in just materials for the Wood and Chain Link.

There’s 130’ of Wood, and 330’ of Chain Link fencing I’m putting in.

i have the hookup on someone to install it for a decently cheap price.

I’m doing the install myself with a bunch of friends. I just need the materials.

^^good way to save a good portion of the money.

But I’m still at >$4k in JUST materials…

Wow…i was just calculationg how much it would cost you to do it in vinyl and here is what it came to
460 linear ft
460/6 [6ft panels] = roughly 77 panels
77 panels at $60 = $4620 + Taxes = $5024.25
78 [4x4] pressure treated post at least $5 each = $390 + taxes = $424.13
78 bags of 80lb concrete at minimal $5 each= $390 + Taxes= $424.13
78 Vinyl Post Kits at minmal $40 = $3120 + taxes = $3393.00
Grand Total EXCLUDING LABOR! lol

OMG! i would say i dont need a fence for that price lol

man. i glanced at this and read it as

Anyone have a Fucking Materials Hookup?



Looking for materials or a contractor. I’m only looking for ~30’.

Anyone have experience, or materials hookup with vinyl?

I built a wood one by myself. Didn’t even bother with the pre-fab panels, just bought 2x4’s and a huge stack of picketts

^+1. I am using wood for mine. I see those vinyl fences get torn in +30 MPH winds…which I get from time to time. WNY gets wind, better to be safe IMO…:shrug: