Anybody here have ADD?

Pffffffffft! Almost spit my coffee all over my desk!


This just in:
Internet tough guys use the phrase “please fool”.

You clearly take the internet way too seriously, and are missing a major correlation here.

I wouldn’t say A.D.D. or A.D.H.D. is something doctors made up and all in your head or anything like that. I went through many years of diagnosing and medication and cost my parents a lot of money as a child. I took ritalin and did good in school. I thought I could pay attention better. Then the novelty of what I was going through wore off and I fucked off in school again. Then I just barely graduated high school and my father refused to pay for me to go to college. That made me grow up more and learn more than Ritalin ever did.

I will say that making a thread about your personal non-automotive problems on nyspeed usually is a bad idea and just turns into an entertaining read for the rest of us. I will also say that Jack seems like he has a lot of great advice for you everytime you do have a thread about a problem and you should probably listen to him. It reminds me of my relationship with Shrives. lol.

Yes, Jack is a :tup: guy. Listen to him.

Ok this is ridiculous, Everyone needs to quit beating the dead horse here. JEG obviously gets sparked up quick, and has views that differ from others. Why not giving the guy a break for a little bit. And seeing if he can turn himself around into a respectable guy?

I have it. im off meds. though. i have small motor problems also so that is why i misspell alot.

what kind of small motors?? briggs? tecumseh? check the points. oh look! a chicken! yayyyyyyyyy!

i think he was talking about his motor skillz…the last engine he built blew up. Hey sweet, pickles!

the conection between my brain to my hand are a little off.

Thanks for the props guys… :slight_smile: Appreciated, really.

EPIC MOVIE was 1 thumb out of 2. Carmen Elektra is fucking amazing… I never thought she was that hot until she was Mysitque… unless it is just the thought of Mystique that gets me off.


Funny I have the same problem between my brain and my pants region.

Did I miss the thread where JEG got a spell checker? Upgraded to Firefox maybe? I mean, regardless of what’s being said, I’ve never seen this level of correct grammar and spelling in his posts before. You might be struggling with ADD, but you’re doing a hell of a lot better with English.

Let the interweb cock measuring continue.

It seems that when he applies himself, JEG can write kinda well, better than some of the chonches on here anyway…

i knew what they were talking about with motor skeelz. skeel… keel eel what do i want… what am i looking forrr… oh SKEE BALL YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!

Holiday Valley?