Anybody know a place that does quality, fast soldering?

Like the title says. The only place I’ve found in my area is taking longer than I want, and if I can find another place to do it I’ll just take it there.

My area is East McKeesport/Irwin/Monroeville type stuff.

on what

I have a EPROM chip waiting to be installed on my ECU, but I need the stock chip de-soldered/removed, and the socket soldered in.

Sorry about that.

i know a guy in the south hills that does eprom chips pretty good and at a good price i’ll have to get his #

any electrical shop should be able to do it… i know a place in greensburg… nothing close to you though :frowning:

I thought so, too. I called TV repair shops, computer repair places, appliance repair places, anything/anyone I thought would be able to do a little soldering, and no one will touch it.

I don’t mind driving to Greensburg, as long as I can drop it off sometime in the morning and have it back the same day. It’s only a 28-pin connector. I’m no soldering expert, but it can’t take that long, can it?

shouldnt be all that hard. You could probably do it yourself if you are familiar with the process, but I wouldnt recommend it. I know a kid that bought one for his Prelude, he doesnt know shit about cars. Him and his dumbass brother tried to do it themselves even after I told them not to, and he ended up fucking a bunch of shit up…

I don’t own a soldering iron, and don’t plan on buying one.

murrary elec.

you can get them on e-bay for like $5… not exactly a monumental investment.

Well, if I bought one, it’d sit in my closet. I think this is the first thing I’ve had to get soldered, ever. If I ever need one, I’ll get one, but at the moment I have no real use for it. If I tried to put that socket in, I’d mess something or other up.

i can do it…background in electronics but no soldiering iron

if you buy me a good soldering iron I could do it… i use to work on Robots I think i can handle a ECU

and a 5 dollar soldering iron blows… you need to have one that gets hot enough to make it all nice and solid

I got my soldering iron at Radio Shack for $8… works fine for me…

J. Rudy in Millvale might be able to do it for you. He fixes VCRs, Nintendos…all kinds of shit…


well shit, i can solder it… i thought you were looking for a ‘professional’ :hsdance:

i used to think the same way, until i was spoiled with good soldering irons…

i do all the hondata stuff for hybrid i could do it if you want. i charge 30 bucks to do a hondata so this would probally be the same… oh yea i have an electronics degree that says i can do it… does that make me a pro?


a 5 dollar iron is ok for doing just wires but because of the traces in the board you need the soilder to melt a soon as it touches excess heat can fry the board

Thanks for the help guys, but today I found out that a local DSM guy can socket it for me. He’s some sort of electronics technician, and put his EPROM in, so tomorrow it should be done.
