need help with sodering something

as the title says i need some help sodering something every delicate on a board. i have never done and i dont really wana mess this up. anyone know how to do it and i will throw you a few bucks or am i better off going to an electronics store and having them do it for me ?

part that needs to be sodered as you can tell there is a wire off and i think the top connecting soders have to be redone… maybe ?

lmk what you guys think

Are you talking about the black wire in the middle of the board? …

Steve’s the only one I’ll let touch any of my shit like that. +1 vote for him

Very easy. I could fix this with a bic lighter and some tree sap, even. Probably be better if I used a 15w iron and some silver-bearing solder though.

Mr. Klopman is well qualified to remedy your situation. Proceed with that route.

i usually just fap all over the shit myself. sperm = sticky AND conducts electricity. WIN.

Go nuts use a 35w iron!

Word. Crank dat heatz up.

I had Steve solder a wire back to a board for me once. Def have him do it for you!

:rofl :rofl


reported, vlad says 45% of profits must be surrendered

lol pm sent to you steve, lance thanks for the heads up and offering


Oh FML, post edited!!!

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl GOD i fucking love this place.



the wire and the puddles where they connect just need to be soldered/ add more solder? , just take a look at the link which is why i took the board out in the first place and i broke the black wire i think when removing it from its god forsaken hole.

Steve will assist you as long as you dont bring up air suspension in a positive light.

lol i forget what bags are for fags or groceries ?

Ls?Wd6 solders for a living . He really needs the money seeing as he has to pay me for my services . Or sign the title of his t/a over to me …