need help with sodering something

Sounds about right

how the fuck does he solder for a living?!?!?!? his arms are too big to even wipe his own ass. :rofl :rofl :rofl



I know lol , but he does . He Prolly solders boilers or suttin


OP also needs help with spelling the word soldering as well. :stuck_out_tongue:

actually they are for classy sophisticated cars and adaptive drivers… not tin can pogo sticks and skinny jeans. :rofl

A.S.S. can do that for you…anytime…quick and cheap!


thanks for the replies everyone, steve hooked me up and got it fixed for me

Vlad tax averted.

I’m just waiting for the nasty PM from Vlad now :rofl

Lol steve did it for free, that’s a hook up but I did give him some yellow cake …

Steve, Id like you to solder me a roll cage on my street car.


no fucks are given:lol

Buy the copper pipe and I’ll have at it :rofl