Anybody know the process of buying a wrecked car?

There is a local guy with a wrecked 04 SRT and through like a week of phone calls I finally got in touch with them. I want to buy the car for parts but I don’t know how it works with the insurance company. They don’t know how the process works and neither do I. So my question is what do we do in order to buy the car back from the insurance company? The car is still at the towing lot so the insurance companys hasn’t gotten to it yet so how does this work? Do I have the owner buy it back after they get their money or do I buy it from the insurance company? Thanks a lot for the help


I’m assuming the car will be considered totaled?
If so when his insurance looks at and totals it they will give the owner a figure for the car, he then has to buy it back from the insurance company and they will cut him a check for their figure for the car minus the buy back price. You then would have to buy the car from the owner for what ever price you two agree upon.

Well it will probably be considered totaled because it went head on into a school bus at like 30 or 40 mph. Got a ballpark price by any chance?

why the hell would he know.

the buyback is usually like 30% of the check or something

I was just looking to see how the price was determined. Thanks

my gp was totalled at the value was like 8k, and im pretty sure we bought it back for like 2200 or something

alls i know is usually the buyback is lower than half, it may be dependent on the car as to how much

If the insurance co. totals it the way the process is supposed to go- the owner gives the title to the insurance, owner buys it back the insurance gives the owner back a 907A (salvage certificate)(becomes the title/ownership) for the car then gets transfered to the next owner. This is important if you have any thought on rebuilding and registering the car. then the owner fixes the car and fills out an mv-899 form (salvage examinination form) it then goes to dingens for a salvage inspection, if all goes well then dmv will issue a new title (which will be marked rebuilt salvage). Makes sure the insurance co. issues a 907A (they often dont) because if they dont it will be a hassle.

I’m not looking to rebuild i mean this thing is so far gone. It’s just for parts.

get the 907A even if you strip it scrap processors are not supposed to take the remaining(shell) w/o a 907a. Its a new regulation.

Thanks thats good to know I really appreciate all the info guys

You hit the bus on north forest?

No Im buying the SRT that hit the bus on north forest