Buying a car back from insurace??

Friend of mine had his civic stolen, it had a kit, suspension, aftermarket paint, wheels, bolt ons, etc.

They found it with no wheels and no bumpers. They just totalled it out.

He tried to buy it back, and they said he couldn’t? Wtf? I thought you had the right to buy it back from insurance? anyone have any info on this?

WTF? why not…Thats weird…why wont they sell it back to him…I’ve heard of people doing it all the time…huh!

anyways…Thats fucked up they stole his shit…people nowadays…They need a good ass whoopin’

Probably because they figure it will happen again… and they don’t want to pay for the same car twice (or more)

what do you mean? the car is missing a bunch of stuff, it cant be driven. i’ve always heard of people being able to buy their cars back. strange

No, the reason you can’t buy it back is because you need a dealer licence to purchase insurance recovered vehicles. They sell these vehicles at the auctions. You need to find someone that has the ability to buy from auctions, etc. as a middle man and buy your car back through them.

I too know people that have bought cars back.
Maybe they think it was fraud and they want it to happen again.:gotme:

Is this something new?
I had never heard that before.

No it’s standard operating procedure. Some insurance companies aren’t dicks, and provide a way for you to do it through them, or refer you to somebody to help with that, but they are not obligated to do so. Most companies don’t give a fuck, because selling your car at the auctions brings in more money for them. So why would they sell it back to you?

I guess technically they wouldn’t have to, but usually the option is there. It probably is 'cuz of the type of car and the amount of fraud that goes on w/ modified cars (hondas especially from stats I’ve seen)

can he just strip it for whatever parts he wants before they get rid of it? he said he already went in there and took his headlights, taillights, and exhaust.