Anybody knows traffic law well? Pull over inquisition.

ive been nabbed twice by it so far… none since i got rid of the scooby tho… (knock on wood.)

any cop and run any plate for no reason at all…if you run a plate and it comes back suspended you can pull the car over…if the driver is suspended too…oh well sucks for him

He had probable cause to pull the person over if the light was out based on a vehiclular infraction. Anything discovered after that would be allowed into court b/c of the probable cause. The fact that his suspended liscence was found inadvertently means that you really have no grounds to try to fight it. If the officer had pulled him over for no reason, knowing the person had an invalid liscence, you MAY have a slight case, but even then it would be very difficult.

if an officer knows that a subject has a suspended license and see them operation a vehicle…he has every right to pull that vehicle over based on him having direct knowledge.

Second this one, I got it with my old legacy when my insurance was ‘unknowingly’ suspended. He had a car pulled over on the opposite side of the road on 146. I drove by in the opposite direction and he eventually pulled me over on the side of the on-ramp to I87 north. I thought it was just the huge crack across the windshield that he was pulling me over for.

There is NO solid quota, worst thing they would have is the chief telling them they should do more, but there are no numbers involved.

Back to the situation, he never got the ticket for the light, but he got two tickets for license. One for the lack of it, the other for the fact that he was driving while suspended. Also an inspection ticket.

I’m not looking to fight it, I was just trying to narrow down the legal point of the technicality. The light was never an issue, I know it wasn’t and it still works fine.

I’ve talked to an Albany Sheriff today, and he did agree that the fruit of the poisonous tree would apply even in a traffic violation, but fighting it and proving it would be a stretch.

Albany Sheriffs have the plate readers too. Those things are fun, but overrated, they aren’t a super weapon and are quite annoying, most of them ride around with them off.

albany, and schenectady county as well. im sure many cities in the area are beginning to use them as well… they are mounted on the trunks.

the saratoga county sherrifs are mounting them along side the lights to “blend in” so… they only have 2 or 3 vehicles that have them… i got nailed once by each one… sucks more than a $2 hooker.

technically, but if they arent out giving tickets and shit then they would get the boot, there is an imaginary quota, if you will

Imaginary quota is jumbo shrimp. The only reason quota would ever be an issue is if they were under a certain quota at the end of the month, which would means solid numbers were involved where they needed to pull over X cars but they only did Y and now they need to catch up to the difference. Without numbers the principle of a quota is useless because there is no determined goal to meet.

I know cops and sheriffs that rarely give out tickets. Generally they pull anybody over for equipment violations (lights, inspection) and it just leads to bigger things as they pull those over (like in the situation with my friend), however their numbers are still extremely low and it doesn’t matter.

ehh maybe colonie cops just have nothing better to do

Let me clear up this whole thread.

NYS does not have a Probable Cause Clause. In NYS it is Reasonable Cause and a police officer can pull you over for any reason he feels is necc and check your identity and driving record. However he can not search your car or arrest you unless you have or gave him a reason to.

In refrence to the OP, the police officer pulling him over irregardless of why or why not, was legal. He has the right to check your friends identity and driving record. Had your friend been legal, he would have been sent on his way. Since your friend was driving illegally, he is now facing the ramifcations.

Even if he did try to fight getting pulled over for the headlight which was out, the inspection is a completly valid reason to pull him over so his arguement is totally blown either way.

Fixed, its reasonable belief, and has to be deemed something that society would see as “reasonable”.

a cop can always say that it wasnt working when he was pulling you over. its your word against theirs in court

Thanks :o)

mmmm, i dont think its that. they need more revenue. i see MANY many more cops out now and a hell of a lot more ppl pulled over.