Anybody take the GRE?

I just found out I have to take the GRE (Graduate Record Exam?) soon in order to apply for grad school.

Im just wondering if anyone can shed some light as to what exactly this test is; in reading descriptions of it it sounds basically like an SAT…


GRE? Never heard of that…I’ve only heard of the GMAT

vq30de from what ive heard from friends its just like the SAT’s and from what some of my friends have scored on it… it seems like its a joke…

now i think there are other tests geared towards what you wanna do in grad school… but i’m not really clear on that

gre is prety much a formality… some programs dont even require it. call admissions of your school

Yea it’s very similiar to the SAT, but the test is done electronically.

you’re lucky, the GRE is like an extension of the SAT.

The GMAT on the other hand, bend over

MCAT :frowning:

My friends were complaining about the PCAT and I looked at it and started to giggle to myself.

“Where is the liver located?”

tehehe. Gee I don’t know.

GRE’s not too bad, i took it in '03

just brush up on your math and like, have a vocabulary since it’s kinda hard to study y’know, english
