anybody want to flash an xbox?

hoping someone can help me out as a favor. the xbox is already taken apart. i was gonna do this but for some reason jungle flasher will not recognize my drive and ive tried a bunch of things, but nothing will work. used jungleflasher cause iprep wasnt working either…but bios will recognize the drive just fine. i have the correct chipset on my mobo.

either way, i have a samsung drive which is the easiest to flash, everything is taken apart and just needs to be plugged in and firmware needs to be updated. not looking to pay someone for 5 min of work, so if anybody wants to help out it would be appreciated.

I’ll do it, bring it by my house

ur an idiot


you can borrow my VIA PCI card if you want to do it yourself

nicee dude…i think ill do that. pm sent

has anybody tried to flash an xbox on windows 7 yet?

If you get the equipment and/or someone to do it, LMK. A lot of the games are using the new video partition now that only works with 1.6, i’m still on 1.5.

such a nerd.

I need mine flashed as well. Still running 1.3. I have all the tools but wondering if its a complicated process.

3rd wave is a bitch. You can patch the games to play on the older ixtreme, but you run the risk of getting the banhammer.

yea im in the process of trying to update to 1.6 but having a hell of a time doing so. dont know if its windows 7 that is causing the issue, but bios will detect the drive, but no other program will.

Bump, you find a solution for this yet? EVERYTHING IS WAVE 3 NOW :mad:

If you have the card, you can bring it over and plug it in my xp or vista box if i can use it too, I want to play tiger woods :frowning:

lolll just flashed my samsung as of 20 min ago.

i said fuck jungleflasher, was having a pain in the ass with Win7. then had trouble with iprep and the newer versions. so went to an older version of iprep and finally worked. took a few min.

wanna do a BenQ with it? It’s just as easy as the Samsung.

i JUST learned how to do my samsung. Im reading how to do the BenQ right now.

shoot me an im.

ur right…benQ looks just as easy as the samsung

Haha I told you so.

:tdown: JungleFlasher

Skunk is now a BenQ expert…time to play UFC undisputed :tspry:

lol well jungleflasher worked in xp to flash the BenQ just fine…

just not with Win7. :slight_smile: