Xbox 360 Drive Flashing.

Here you go.

Check out the forums to see which drive yours came with and the directions for that specific drive.

All drives now can be flashed. I can do Hitachi Drives. Toshiba and the others have to be done a little different, and since i dont have one of the others, i never looked into it.

For me it took a total of 5 minutes to flash, 15 to get the stupid case opened, lol.

anyways if u need help let me know.

im stupid kevin,

what’s the point in flashing them? so you can use a bigger HDD or something?


Its so u can play downloaded games.

you need to get DL-dvd and a good dl-dvd burner, i use either a NEC or plextor. Both seem to work good, and the NEC set bitsetting automatically, which is a plus in case i forget.

Verbatim dvds seem to be the best right now, i havnt tried any others as of yet, but i did get 100 memorex last week so when these verbatims run out i might try one.

Some drives are very picky about what media to use.

WTB: Hacked360… PM me :wink:

I need to send mine out to get fixed

have you seen anything about swapping out the OEM hard drives for larger ones? seeing as they are only 2.5" laptop drives i thought it would be possible. but i haven’t found anything.

nope, not as of yet.

nothing on the hard drives. you can use an external but you can only store game saves, pics, and music on it. You cant play games as of yet.

Does it work with Live? Likelyhood that it eventually won’t?

Live is perfect, Stealth is built into the flash image, so MS cannot tell that its a flashed drive. Nothing as of yet as to what MS is doing to prevent this, but for now and the future your safe.

Thanks for the link and answering my PM’s about this a couple weeks ago. :tup:

sure no problem

sweet, sell me yours :wink:

Ok I didn’t feel like registering… yet (because the xbox im using is not mine) but how would I go about finding which version I have without ripping the case open.

I tried checking on the drive but didnt see any #, etc.

write up on taking apart the entire case?

it was in the article.

yeah, ive found that those little eye glass screwdrivers work well for unclipping the case, then a few torx and its apart.

hmmm I do have the Hitachi the date on mine is 9/4/06 do you think i have the one Hitachi that is not compatible?

for that you would have to take it out and look for 78FK, if u have that it can still be done, so id say ur all set.

fuck modding, i just want to paint my box lol

Hmm interesting…where do you download games from?