Anybody want to start a band?

id really like to to satrt a band at some point, so i thought this may be an aporpriate place to gauge interest. I play guitar (rythem or lead). id like to play some stuff like Oasis, Counting Crows, Weezer, Hidden In Plain view, hawthorn hrights (without the screaming), etc. if anyone is interested, let me know

i call dibs on skin flute

aslong as you don’t want to sound like or be influenced by Oasis, Counting Crows, Weezer, Hidden in Plain view, or Hawthorne Heights (without the screaming).

if i was starting/joining a band, i’d either want my own genre, or a genre that is going to make us big. Not something that sucks and/or was popular 10 years ago.

AND…how can you have a band that sounds like Weezer, Counting Crows, and Hidden in Plain View :bloated:


i want to start a band, but i play rythum guitar and have another buddy who i have been jamming with for over a year now making shit up so another guitarist is kinda outta the question, we need a bassist and singer, i found a drummer. we already have enought material to be basis for at least 7 songs, and also have a name for ourselves.

counting crows is a good band.

i wanna be a singer, since i dont play instamentz…what kind of music(focusinprogress)?

get ur shit together man… my band records on thursday…werd