anyone play guitar/drum/bass...?

this is really off topic considering an automotive forum, but i figured id give this a go on here,

anyone play guitar/bass/drums? i’m actually looking for some people to jam with, most of my friends who i used to play with either stopped or are away at college so the lack of playing is killing me. so anyone? dont be dicks about this post either, i just figured theres alot of decent guys on here who actually appreciate good music (from looking at previous threads) and might actually be fun to jam with

define decent music.

i play punk/hardcore/thrash drums.

kcuv plays rock and roll bass

zong plays fag-rock guitar.

lol, well anything but pop rock or emo music, i prefer 90’s rock and anything progressive/alternative in nature, hell, ill listen to country sometimes if it sounds half decent, u play drums though? i was actually in a cover band that played punk (mostly blink/old green day) what exactly does Zong play? Simple Plan? haha

i have some drums. i dabble.

i play bass. but i don’t jam.

i was interested until you mentioned simple plan, i hope you were joking.

oh god lmao, no that was a joke about what newman said, “zong plays fag-rock guitar.”, u mustve read that one wrong hahha, but anyways, u play anything?

percusion … ill jam with you

where u located? btw the names chris incase no1 knew lol

in in lockport but my set is in nt at my parents house

oh nice, im in town of tonawanda, how long u been playing?

rock bass

Drum! Bass! Cum On Her Face! - album out soon

haha, im thinking we find guitar and vocals and start the NYSpeed band, u guys meet up at mighty ever?

i play guitar and bass. i play everything pretty much. id be up to jam with some people i guess

sweet deal, we should try to get a mighty meet date set up or something, this could definetly have some potential if we could all get together u know?

ive been playin drums all my life and teach at the buffalo drum outlet.

I play guitar. Mostly Metallica

well, since were all on the subject? what kinda gear does everyone have? so if we plan a jam date we know what to expect