ANybody with a car museum?

My dad had a shop back inthe early 70’s, hjave some misc stuff to get rid or that i woudl rather donate to anybody who has or is thinkign of starting a useum. My mother just sold her house and this stuff has to go. ONly thing i can think of off rich now that is ther is an anciet old battery charger, it’s about 3 feet tall and on wheels. looks well used my dad got rid of his shop i the early 70’s so it’s probably fromt eh late 50’s erly 60’s, i think it’s a marquet brand, i’ll post any thnig else i find when i go to clean out the hosue this weekend, like i said, it’s free o a good home, or evena bad home.

what ya got? very interested and i got a truck. Im into collecting old car shit like that

PM me

got an old gas pump… id throw one in the garage…

slap some pics of what u got up.

Phone pics, so quality sux


cabnit, which i am probably keeping but it has lots of old stuff in it, spark plugs, differnt little stuff like thta

there is an old flat repair kit too, some reason the pic didn’t up load and a huge 24 volt truck battery