Anyone a cook?

I ate fried raviolis last night at a rest. they were teh pwn… I want to make some at my house…

how do you get breadcrumbs to stick to raviolis while you fry them in oil?,181,151181-250193,00.html
I know you can be lazy sometimes Tom… but com’ooooooonnn :stuck_out_tongue:

i found like 23049873204 recipes on the internet… but they were all making them from scratch… too much work.

I’m not 100% sure, but here is my best guess:

If you are making the raviolli from scratch, you are supposed to pre-cook it first, then you coat it with butter or a little bit of oil (Pam Spray if you’re lazy?). Then you put the ravioli in the oven and bake it to get the breadcrumbs to stick to the outside of the ravioli.

pre cook, egg wash, fry.

noooo… im NOT cooking it from scratch

It doesn’t matter if your going from scratch or not. You have to coat the ravioli with something to make the breadcrumbs stick. Butter, eggs (ugh), oil, something :slight_smile:

ding ding ding!

yeah the egg wash (little water with egg), dredge in breadcrumbs. Preferably I would use pankow. . .asian breadcrumbs, little larger, better for frying, they’ll stick better etc. Then fry in hot oil, only doing a few at a time, dont let the oil temp drop too low!


panko bread crumbs > *

going to tops now… mmmm so hungry.

I have found that egg-beaters work better than regular eggs for coating things with bread crumbs. :slight_smile:

they were yummy… lots left over… cost me a total of $2.69…

edit: I had a bit of shredded mozz cheese left over in the fridge… melted it ontop in the oven… mmmmmm

:tup: Martha… whats for dessert?

my ass of course… come ply… even marc is plying on shattered hand