anyone been to M&M u-pull-it lately?

if anyone has been there have ya seen any ford focus’ there?? i need a stock MAF really bad and really fast

Good luck M&M is mostly old junk cars, very few late 90’s or 2000 models. Giving Hank at NAPA a call might not be a bad idea and you will get something with a warranty

Was there about a month ago… and no Foci. Mainly old W-Bodys lol

im tryin to find one really cheap, i have no money and its the last part i need to get my car up and running with the new turbo system, found a used one for $40 but id have to ship it and wait three days so i was hoping i could find something comparable local and have it in my hands today

just call a boneyard

i was there today, they had no focus’s

that’s a pretty rough yard… try some of the other ones on that street