anyone do AC?

i have an ac leak on my car, and im pretty sure it is comming from the compressor

i bought a used one and i plan on installing it to see if it works

how often do cars leak from the compressor?

the car has always lad a slow leak, and last summer i tried to recharge it, after i did (and it wasnt overcharged) my compressor made an awful grinding noise, so last week i bought a can of that r134 with dye in it, i checked all f the hoses and stuff but couldnt find a leak, i could hear it leaking though, and it was the loudest near the compressor

anyways, once i change the compressor i want to do everything right and get the system vacuumed out, are there cheap tools around to do this, or will anyone do this for me that isnt going to burn a hole in my pocket?

how much will the tools cost compared to someone who does this? what all needs to be done? (im assuming its just vacuum the system, then recharge it)

thanks for any help!

i work at john varneys in carrick and we do ac there we vacuum it then charge the high and low side i know our prices are very reasonable but unable to tell you much exactly so if you could tell me what kind of car you got and what year i could ask tomorrow at work and let you know tomorrow evening?

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