anyone down to meet up tonight?

anybody down to go to guptils at 9 tonight? kinda in the mood for some ice cream…

im goin up to toga at 8 or so u wanna tag along?

if i had a fun car i would :sad

a bunch of people are goin to wings and rings on wolf if ya wanna go

I could meet somewhere in Albany but I cant leave my zone ::slight_smile:

wat u gonna take the whambulance lol

dave at you goin to toga for? and dj wat time?

daves gonna go play with horse penis lol kidding

just to go out and enjoy downtown there some nice ice creamshops up there too

damn maybe next week…? i got laundry in right now so i have clothes for work tom… :headbang

ill be in school but maybe

fackin bored neone wanna meet up round schenectady that doesnt wanna drive to albany or c/p

I’m in Menands til 9… then back to Colonie to jack off until I pass out.

wow u work some shitty hours

I dont feel like going anywhere. Im going to take my dog for a walk and probably come back and relax for a bit and then go to bed around 10.

I am allways down at the scotia dds if you guys wanna stop by and have a coffee

Eh not really, I love my hours. Work 3-8 Monday thru Thursday, with Fri-Sun off. Can’t really beat that. I’m only workin 4-9 today because I had a doc’s appt.

wat time u goin doewn poot i might stop by its like 5-10 min from my house and thanks for comin to poker last week ;D

ill be leaving in 20 mins yeah you wouldnt have wanted me there anyway I would just have taken youre money :banana

lol i lost neways this week and last