Anyone else download iOS 7?

same here. i’ll get around to doing the update eventually lol

Had it for awhile now. It sucked when it first came out, much better now.

Double click the home button then flick the app up.

so far every person on FB have hated it lol

I’m a big fan of the new ios, took me a while to figure out the app closing procedure. But other than that it seems to be working great on my 4s.

I don’t notice any improvement in batt life

Not available for my dinosaur ipad1 so :’(

people only post on fb to hate on things or make them self look like morons by talking about shit they have no clue about from what it seems. so that makes sense.


It’s sick.

Upon playing more, I like how you can make custom vibration tones. That way you can tell if a certain person is calling you while your phone is silent in your pocket. I also like how they lifted the limit of how many apps can go in a folder. I basically threw everything into one folder to keep it cleaner looking.

FB is epic. I troll and chuckle about the depressing/negative shit literally everyone in upstate NY posts.

Also being able to tell Siri “remind me to do XYZ when I get home” is pretty neat too.

Just got two free 5c phones

I’ve had it and liked most of the features so far especially control center from the locked screen. The missed call notification shit is annoying though as it becomes a reminder.

Also watch out because the phone keeps track of every where you go including times!

Settings > Privacy > Location Services > System Services > Frequent Locations (all the way at the bottom).

Yea I turned that shit off

Only thing I don’t like, or at least I never noticed it on previous OS, is that when browsing a page, the back/forward buttons aren’t always there. You have to scroll first.

Just tap at the bottom of the screen

ios 7.0.1 update

Yep I don’t like that either

Mine says up to date with 7.0 on my 4S?

It’s gonna take some getting used to lol