Apple folks, please step in.

Hello fellow NYspeeder’s, I have some questions about an iPad I recently required. Long story short, I was given a first gen iPad 16gb for free. Unfortunately, basically being a n00b to apple products, I found that the first gen is basically locked at iOS 5 and cannot update to a higher version. Which as you know, means I can’t install a bunch of certain apps like Facebook, Facebook messenger, Netflix etc etc.

Now my question is. Is there anyway around the fact it’s locked on iOS 5 and can I do something to install iOS 6? Second question, which is probably a stupid one and I’m sure you’ll all say just upgrade to a 2 or something different. Is there anyway let’s say, newer hardware from like an iPad 2 that could be physically installed in this? Or even install the camera from an iPad 2? I Skype a lot with my mother and sister since they live in Omaha, NE. I did some research, but found nothing. I found some websites that sell basically every internal component for iPads and it just got me thinking, that’s all. I enjoy tinkering with electronics and taking on small projects like such. I know it would be easier to just upgrade, but like I said, this was a free, spur of the moment gift so I would like to keep it lol.

If there is no way around installing a newer operating system, so be it. I can handle just using Safari for Netflix (if it even works in Safari) and Facebook and whatever other sites I use. Thanks in advance, and I hope everyone had a great Christmas with their friends, family and that you all have a great New Year! Happy Holidays everyone!

So there is no supported Facebook app in the apple store? If not you can find and DL a copy to your computer that was supported and transfer it to your iPad for apps you want that are to new.

I suspect it was free for this reason basically…you can’t upgrade past 5.1 IIRC and you certainly can’t go swapping out hardware.

No sir, only facebook app is for ios6 and newer. I didn’t think about that, I’ll do some searches and see if I can find the ios 5 version, thanks!

Yeah probably was the reason hahaha. I’m not complaining, it’s a great device for web surfing. And thanks! I figured it wasn’t possible, but couldn’t hurt to ask.

Thanks guys!

There must be an older version of the FB app out there. I used to use an original ipad and I know I had the FB app on there. You’d think given the older OS and app store they would still offer the older, compatible versions. Like you said, in a pinch you can use the browser of course.

Agreed! I’m going to do some digging online and see if I can find older app versions to install. You would think they would still offer them, but they don’t, oh well haha. Thanks again for your input :tup:

You’ll need to jailbreak it then look for an older version of the Facebook app to install. Or just use the Facebook site in safari that will work just about as well anyway.


That’s what I’ve doing, just using Safari for everything haha. So if I jailbreak it, is there a chance of ruining the device or if I didn’t like it, can you return it back to not being jailbroken? I know some stuff about it, but not much. This is the first apple device I’ve had since an iPad Nano when I was a freshman in high school lol.

There has been a lot of depreciated methods in the SDK from 5 to 6 and also from 5 to the apps now on 7 including how they do the unique identifier and ID your device for Apple recognition and app signatures. You won’t find much that runs unless the developer supports the version and added the old app to their repo. Most companies tho wont support 5 ESP with Facebook since they gained so much with the Facebook and Twitter integration in the iOS 6 core.