iPod touch 2.0 firmware <free>


Download the torrent. Using iTunes 7.7, hold shift (in Windows) or option key (alt) in OSX while pressing check for updates in iTunes, then select the .ipsw file. Be patient as it can take several minutes for the FW to install.

Worked for me, but YMMV

IDK, I just don’t like the idea of paying for a software upgrade on a $2XX mp3 player. Just doesn’t seem right.


Apps I love: Box Office, Bloomberg, AIM and Remote is GREAT!

*all above also free

i wish i would have gotten the ipod touch so bad. im stuck with my 160 gb classic and no firmware available for it.

now i have something to do tonight

I got my iPod touch for sale :slight_smile:

working on installing now.

your apple instructions don’t work.

Yes they do. Try it again.

Is this firmware jailbroken yet?

What does it add?


  1. IDK

  2. adds apps

everytime i option + click check for updates, it says my version is the latest version.

That is strange. If you hold [option] while you click the update button on the screen a file select window should open. It doesnt even do the version check.

Do you have iTunes 7.0? You need the latest version of iTunes too.

just updated to 2.0 on my phone, dig it so far :tup: seems a bit more stable.

My jailbroken ipod touch decided to not allow installer to work anymore, and i cant figure out why… So i guess i can just throw 2.0 on there and see how it is.

I read that if its jailbroken you have to restore it to 1.XX or whatever before installing 2.0.

IDK try a quick google search.

Yea, i probably will check out teh internets before i brick the thing…

New firmware is amazing…

Almost makes me want a iPhone, its like this with internet, right?

where is this update button? i’m using the menus.