Anyone else running an 8800 series card? Temp issues?

Thanks kevin, I’ll ask over there :tup:


My brother and I both run these cards, If you dont have enough fans/cooling they will start to overheat and effect gameplay. It happens to him everytime he plays Crysis on for more than 20 minutes.

He had it overclocked for awhile, but even while its not, his still acts like it overheats. (Even though the temps are not that bad)


really? Have you or him set your fans past the stock 28% or whatever it is? Do you know the temps he was hitting when he was having problems? I intalled a case fan over my memory and it turns out to be partially hitting the GPU as well, so maybe I’ll adjust it to blow directly on the card instead.

   		To get crysis to run at 37fps on very high, it takes an $1800 triple sli setup.
