Anyone else trying the Windows 7 Beta?


I have it installed and it seems to be running pretty smooth. Not a huge fan of IE8 yet though. Maybe it’ll grow on me.

IE 8 Beta 2? The Beta 2 is much cleaner.

idk, the only real advantage of 7 over, say XP is DX10. For me personally, theres 0 reason, my video card cant use it and I have no games with it. I’m gonna sit with XP for a while.

I have a feeling once 7 is released they will stop supporting xp… Theyre trying so hard to get personal and buisnesses to switch they will do what they have to to get everyone to make the switch

i hate when a company forces you to switch. it crap. they usually employ sneaky tactics.

I didn’t like the new ie beta. It has to many glitches and seems to close randomly

My friend Joel said theres no networking shit in it, off the bat. Is that true, guys?

take a look at what you said and who you said it too

Me = :rofl

HAHAHA, nice