Anyone ever hear of this place?

whats wrong with a lil :jerkit: every now and then?

if guys would learn how to do it right, i wouldnt have to do it so much…

ha. i dont think i have EVER heard a guy give a positive review on a handjob.

and you may want to rephrase that… makes you sound like just a wee little bit of a slut.

x2…i’m sorry but i have never met a woman who knows how to give a handjob to the guys liking…something about a mans anatomy that females just can’t catch on to, this is why we ask for BJ’s not HJ’s

I agree. HJ’s are just too difficult for the female population. I’ve also been with a girl or two where the BJ’s are bad.

Note to all women: Teeth are bad. At all times. Never, ever, not even in the slightest. Not even in the most drunken night are teeth ever even a consideration.

Also, spit is good. Wet is good. I don’t want Niagara Falls, but moisture is a plus.

This message brought to you buy GWLGBJ (Guys who like good blow jobs)

yea just don’t get a big ass hocker n just spit it there that might make someone mad and LOL @ GWLGBJ

:rofl: at the direction this thread has gone.

Yeah, wow.

Pittspeed = a bunch of men & a few little boys who still have milk on their breath…where else could it go :slight_smile:

I was talking about :jerkit: myself…not me doing it to a guy…

dont like teeth on me…therefore, i know better to us teeth on them.

agreed…which is why i offer to give than receive. I just bypass the entire issue and avoid an all around bad experience. (also talking about myself and not a guy)

we arent the only ones that cant catch onto the anatomy…

I laugh every time I hear… youve never had the “right” guy…thats when I smile, nod, and walk away.

so you jack off?

I think thats the point I was trying to get to before…

So does that clear up my original statement? lol

Yea i’ve had plenty of females in my day go “guys never do it right” THEN there are those…who have been proven wrong…but we won’t dive into that conversation. Pittspeed off-topic has become an e-orgy