Anyone ever see a motor mount pop out like this?

I was setting the timing on my new car today, looked down and noticed this

I’ve seen worse :shifty

Is that a fleshlight, Benny?

Now it is


oil problem iroc?

and :lol to benny

i saw that one first and laughed ,how could a bmw do this to a mount

ha ha i beat ya to ithow does leftover me feel like

I don’t know, there doesn’t appear to be oil around there. This is a new car to me, only been drivin it for 400 miles or so, so I don’t know the previous history.

My Neon was pretty violent with motor mounts. All 3 were busted up when I got the car and I replaced two of them. The third one was a bitch because the radiator support was bent so I said fuck it. It was ok with two good mounts but the motor jumped around with 3 bad ones.