anyone ever tear a biceps??.ouch!!!!

I run a 3.9 in the 40yd dash. I started running and at the very same time, I started counting in my head. I almost got to 4 seconds when I crossed the line, so I calculated that I run a 3.9. :D:D:D

I lifted legs for the first time 2 years ago at the gym. I put 3 plates on each side and kept going up until it got hard to do 8 reps. I got to 8 plates on each side the first day. I am not a huge fan of leg press anymore and haven’t done them in a while but the last time I did I used 9 plates on each side. I weigh about 180 now.

That is a pretty good way to time your 40yd dash…I ran the 100 meter dash in a 10 second flat usung that method.

Not bad for a first time back in 2 years for lifting legs…if your form was good (bringing your knees close to your chest) that’s some solid weight for a light shit like you…haha

That’s the same method I use for 1/4 mile times for my crown vic. I was wondering if I got a factory freak car that was 2 seconds faster than every other stock crown vic out there.

The rest of me is weak, but my legs are decent :slight_smile: . Well, at least they are better than xlogics 4.1 second sprinter legs :kekegay:

My calling? No sorry i have more than one talent unlike most and i’d rather use my brain instead of my body. hater

proof that you ran a 4.1 40

ima beat you this time…!

4.1 is world class. … was that from a roll? :smiley:

you are training for distance running, I am still going to be quicker then you sorry. Again I will race you anytime anyplace.

i will bring the flashlight again
stadiums one night and leave your excuses at home

No hating…just making a point you can smoke every elite runner in the NFL…just think about it…if you got drafted you would be the fastest dude in the NFL…no hating…just pointing out how amazingly fast you are.

I am sure you are a smart dude …but I would rather be the fastest man in the NFL and make millions that a regular dude making regular money.

xlogic> ben johnson on roids!

I would too but sports wasn’t and still isn’t where my hearts at, track was something to keep me busy, off the streets, and out of jail and the grave like so many people i went to school with. I’m a hands on person, i like to touch my work…

on a side note…ever see a black man run from the cops…and NOT get caught?! lol just figured i’d throw things off

ive seen plenty a fat slow white cops catch fast black men running away… stupidity > speed…

I’m still walking/driving around aren’t I? LOL…ah…highschool days and prick rankin/swissvale cops…those were the days
long story short…you know those 49cc scooters from pep boys? Myself and about 3 friends had them…decided to go to a store in swissvale…rankin cops started following us and i’m guessing called swissvale PD…we all parked the scooters on the side of a church…they tried running and got caught by these “fat white slow cops” you speak of…i decided to go garage roof jumping…never the less…i was the only one who got away and made it home and the only to escape the curfew citation and noise ordinance fine, this was in like…10th grade

thats what i mean thou… u seem like a smart guy… its the dumb fast ones that make a stupid decision and get caught… i’ve seen it on COPS a thousand times.


Yea those are the episodes where your sitting there like ‘Don’t go that way your gonna get caught’ and they go that way anyway

this thread is so hood I can’t even take it.

i am taking notes
gotta help the brotha out