Anyone following the Duke rape case?

Roberts says she changed her mind about whether the other woman had been raped. (She is careful to say that her version of events has not changed—just her opinion of what might have happened when the woman was out of her sight.) She was affected by news of the medical report. She had not noticed any swelling in the face of the other woman, but her lawyer told her that facial swelling often takes a couple of hours to show.

bahahaha. Elizabeth Loftus is watching, deary. :eyebrow:

I like how they beat some people up at Georgetown, but because they had the money to get themselves out of it the media didn’t get a hold of it (or were paid off). If I were to do that, I surely would be burned in my own 15 minute spotlight. Justice in America? Hardly.

They probably did something to her, but they won’t be convicted. This is America… we need scumbags to run Wallstreet, the country, and be lawyers. They need to protect their kind.